Conferences and events (co-)organised by the GSCL with the aim of fostering the exchange of experiences on a high level by presenting foundational research in computational linguistics and selected practical talks by experts. These conferences and events also serve as a platform for presenting excellent junior research(ers) and the GSCL Awards for PhD and BA/MA theses.


KONVENS started as a co-ordinated event of several professional organisations from the German-speaking area. Since 2018, KONVENS has been the overarching conference on computational linguistics in the German-speaking area.


  • TaCoS is a conference series dating back to the 1990s that is open to any student interested in the areas of computational linguistics and natural language processing as well as its neighboring applied and theoretical disciplines from psycholinguistics to computer science.


GSCL/GLDV-Conferences (every two years until 2017)

Since 2018, the conference series has been merged with KONVENS.